Sunday, June 2, 2013

What I Wore Sunday + Sunday Best

Linking up with Fine Linen and Purple and Camp Patton!

We were out in the suburbs to see my sister-in-law's new apartment today, and we did Mass and brunch suburbia-style (by which I mean we drove a lot... haha). Her new place is lovely, and I'm super excited to have her close!

I've been being hit over the head with similar messages of self-gift this week, both in my DIY retreat and in the readings this morning. I'm still working to boil down my thoughts into a reflection about the retreat, so stay tuned; I am learning a lot, and feel like I'm being stretched outside my comfort zone. But the idea of the loaves and fishes this morning was right in the theme. God is never outdone in generosity; He asks us to give everything we have, which seems like such a risk, doesn't it? But then he multiplies and multiplies and multiplies what we give to Him, and amazingly, the leftovers measure more than we had to start with!

Working on faith to trust that in my life; somehow, it's still not easy.

The outfit this week (why is it so chilly?):

T-shirt: Target
Jacket: Old Navy
Scarf: Target
Skirt: Target (Maternity)
Sandals: Papillio (Birkenstock) via Zulily
Jewelry courtesy of a girl I used to babysit :-)
Props to my husband for getting my girl to smile for the camera!

Mass behavior:
Anne: A. She tolerated being passed around to grandparents & aunt like an absolute champ, and then actually nursed with some focus; at almost 7 months it is getting realllllllly hard to hold this girl's attention unless we are at home, and when she's hungry and distracted she is not that fun.


  1. gorgeous!! I wore something similar and less cute on a walk tonight -- how is it June 2nd?!?!?!

  2. So cute - you and the wee one. Love the scarf especially!
